2. New DXCC's
3. Specific features
4. Other

The 2m-station (tower with 2m-yagi on the right) was accommodated in
the right white tent. On the front tower the 3-element monobandbeam for
10m and a Doppelzepp. The station in the left white tent. On the left
in the image border a black scout-tent (Jurte).

With the swivelling 10m-antenna 12 connections with Argentina
(LU), 4 with Brazil (PY) as well as Uruguay (CX), Zimbabwe (Z2),
South Africa (ZS), Israel (4X) and various European countries were
possible with 100W in SSB.

Mast step of the 10m-Beam, behind it the meeting tent, the Jurte.

Martin (DG8UAU) and "Weckle" Martin (DL3SFB) at amateurradio on 80 m.
From here were also sent out digital pictures by SSTV in the world.

The Kohte served as a sleeping tent.

A wooden camp tower is growing

It was eaten together - in nice weather of course outdoors.