OZ1RDP - activity 2003
Pictures and Activities

OZ1RDP 2003 Teilnehmer
participants (from left to right):
  rear: Klaus (DC4NA), Lothar (DH1LM), Udo (DG2BCI), Arold (DD1EY), Frank (DO1FSP), Rüdiger (DO1ERS)
midle: Günni (DL9BCP), Antje (swl), MC (swl), Kerstin (DO7VAY), Thorsten (swl), Norbert (swl)
front: Matze (DL9BQ), Tobi (DL4KBS), Claudia (swl), Gaby (DM1CG)

1. equipment

Station                   Band                        Mode                                  Antenna (*=homemade)
tent 1                      40m                         SSB                                              Triple leg (*)
                              20m                         SSB                                          Double-Zepp (*)

tent 2
(Jurte 1)  10m/15m/20m                 SSB                                    2-ele-3-Band-Beam
                              80m                      SSB/CW                                      Double-Zepp (*)                             

tent 3                      70cm                        SSB                                                yagi
                               2m                          SSB                                           17-ele-yagi

                               6m                          SSB                                             3-ele-yagi

Truck                      23cm                       SSB                                      1,2m Parabol-antenna

2. new DXCC's


4. others
During the weekend we got a very heavy and disastrous thunderstorm with lightning, storm squalls and strong rain showers. One of our Jurte (big scout tent) was felled within a second, and we lost the complete CW-logbook - but nobody was injured!

OZ1RDP 03_Montage Beam   OZ1RDP 03 Jurte und Beam
                   Lothar (DH1LM) is mounting the 3-ele-beam
                                   on top of a 10m tower, in front Jurte n°1 (big scout tent)

OZ1RDP 03 23cm-Station
  Antenna and shack of the 23cm-station

OZ1RDP 03 Antennen
In front parabol for 23cm, then 3-ele for 6m, 17-ele Yagi for 2m, above 70cm. In the background 3-ele-beam.

OZ1RDP 03 LAgerplatz
Left the 3-ele-beam, right tower with 2m- and 70cm-yagi

OZ1RDP 03 1ele40m     OZ1RDP 03 40m-Mast
Left: Triple Leg for 40m (Groundplane), beside Double-zeppelin,                   Right: A view up to the vertical (in all about 21m high)
41,50m long, spanned from the top of the flagg tower                                                 

OZ1RDP 03 Lagerfeuer
Fire - of course lighted at a regular fire place - will be seen on an island critical ever.
So we have been visited by a delegation of the islands fire brigade, in order to see what had happened

OZ1RDP 03 Schlechtwetter  
OZ1RDP 03 Kutter im Hafen
During the week-end there was a heavy storm with thunderstorm, storm gusts and strong showers (the drops fell horizontally - honestly).
Even the fishing trawlers searched protection in the harbour of Havneby.
On Sylt a camper died under his camper, in Skaerbeck the tents of the Viking's camp flew away.
With us a storm gust snapped the wooden side seaweeds of the Jurte near the 3ele-beam. In the fraction of one second lay the whole tent on the ground and buried the CW radio station under itself.
Luckily nobody came to damage and the transceivers could go - after they had dried in the oven - again to work.
The only loss which it was a matter to deplore was the CW logbook... remained in the storm missing.